Méditation et santé mentale

(Dernière actualisation le 8 septembre 2009)

4d-Don publie sur son blog le témoignage de Rajan qui a rencontré Babuji en 1979. Celui-ci s'est offusqué parce qu'un précepteur l'avait introduit au Sahaj Marg dès l'âge de 16 ans, ce qu'il avait interdit. Se plaignant auprès de Babuji de ses conditions de santé, celui-ci lui dit qu'il a des hallucinations et lui conseille de consulter un médecin et de ne revenir qu'une fois qu'il serait guéri, psychiquement et physiquement. Visiblement, Chari ne s'entoure pas de toutes ces précautions.

Rajan's Experience: SRCM's 18 Years Or Older Rule!
Taken from a comment by Rajan, a long-time meditator who knew and met Babuji, on Orkut Community: Freedom from SRCM (Sahaj Marg) Sept. 1, 2009 (see the article: Sahaj Marg-The Family Destroyer (entry for Aug. 29, 2009 by Rajan)
(4d-Don has corrected some spelling and typos.)
Rajan a dit :
You have quoted in your above letter below content :
"Babuji did not want children or dogs at the meditations. His instructions were that Sahaj Marg was for those 18 years of age or more. Why the drift from Babuji's wishes? Chari? .."
In 1979, Dec 15th, I paid a visit to Shajahanpur to meet Babuji Maharaj. I was 30 years old then, I went to Babuji Maharaj because of my deteriorated health condition. I took leave from my Boss to meet Babuji Maharaj to complain my health condition. I met Babuji Maharaj and told him " Babuji Maharaj...my health condition suddenly deteriorated and I feel sometimes that I have reached Reality. Is it true ?. Then Babuji said " That is not Reality but Hallucination..
Then I asked Babuji Maharaj " Babuji, I am practicing mediation for over 10 years, then why I got this type of experience ? He said" You go to a doctor and get treatment , you will be alright and only then I can give you higher approaches in spirituality. Only when you are physically and mentally healthy I can give you higher progress otherwise it is not possible for me to do so"
Then he asked me " Rajan..when did you join in the mission ?". I said that I have joined at the age of 16 . At once Babuji got up from his seat and told me " Who (preceptor) has initiated at the age of 16. I have given strict instructions that nobody should be initiated below 18 years of age. That is fault with your case. Anyway you can go and join in your job after consulting a Doctor, I shall take care of your spirituality when you become healthy.
You are perfectly correct. It is simply Chari's foolishness to make the children to practice Sadhana at their very tender age. Chari is definetly going against the instructions of his spiritual master, that is dis-obedience to his master. Chari is committing sins by exploiting the child's free will and liberty, blessed by the Divine Oneness. He will reap terrible consequences for his misdeeds. It is something like in India, olden times,they used to marry the couple at the tender age of 5 or 6 and make their life miserable.
We shall ever remain one with the Divine (and) with every being.

Les abhyasis disent souvent que c'est parce que nous avons une approche occidentale des choses que nous ne comprenons rien au Sahaj Marg. Mais les Indiens aussi peuvent avoir à se plaindre des dégâts de la méditation sur leur santé mentale. Après Jay Hind et Rajan, voici le témoignage de Sameer Sachdeva, un Indien de New Delhi, diplômé en management et ingénierie électronique.
Voir sa biographie

La traduction en français du début de son témoignage par Elodie
Adorer de Faux Dieux.... Peut-il y avoir autant de Dieux ?
Un incident survenu récemment dans une secte en Inde m'a fait me demander s'il peut y avoir autant de Dieux ? Chaque chef de secte clame qu'il est celui qui assurera la rencontre de l'âme avec la source. Cela m'a fait repenser à mon expérience d'adhésion à une secte religieuse et à ce qui m'est arrivé.
Un de mes amis m'a emmené à l'un des prédicateurs locaux du groupe et il m'a introduit à la méditation. J'étais déjà en crise émotionnelle et j'étais très enclin à ces suggestions. Il m'a parlé de la transmission effectuée par le principal prédicateur de la secte et a mentionné qu'il est le Maître et que nous, les humains, sommes ses esclaves. Il m'a présenté une prière qui avait un sens similaire. Il y avait tant de suggestions de ce prédicateur local que j'ai suivi ses suggestions et commencé une expérience d'autosuggestion similaire. Mais aujourd'hui, quand je regarde en arrière, je me sens comme si j'avais été victime d'hypnose. J'ai rejoint cette secte, je l'ai quittée, rejointe à nouveau et requittée, puis rejointe encore une fois. Et pendant toutes ces années, j'ai fait face à tout un tas d'échecs dans ma carrière. De performeur d'élite je suis devenu le moins performant, échouant dans chacun de mes jobs. J'ai commencé à penser que j'étais une âme éclairée venue sur cette terre avec un objectif. J'ai commencé ma mission de changer le monde plutôt que d'essayer de me changer.
Quand je regarde en arrière, je pense que je suis devenu émotionnellement de plus en plus faible. J'ai sombré par moments dans une profonde dépression et à d'autres dans la folie obsessionnelle [mania]. J'ai commencé à avoir des hallucinations et à ressentir des odeurs alors que je méditais, visualisant parfois des fleurs, de la lumière, de l'obscurité et ainsi de suite. Mais quand je regarde en arrière, je pense que les premières séances étaient de l'hypnose. Ensuite, mes séances personnelles d'autosuggestion commençaient par une prière et m'ont conduit à encore plus d'autosuggestion. Puis il y a eu des séances de groupe qui ont été faites pour nous infecter par l'effet de groupe, de telle sorte que nous croyions tous à ce que nous faisions. Au nom de l'obéissance à ce qu'on appelle si bien le Maître, j'ai commencé à détruire ma vie. J'étais de plus en plus faible et n'étais pas en mesure de prendre une décision par moi-même. Parfois je sentais dans les sittings individuels que le maître me guidait vers le chemin. Mais c'était des suggestions faites à mon esprit lors de ces sessions d'hypnose, ou bien des suggestions faites dans ma tête par mon prédicateur local.
Il fut un temps où je prenais mes propres décisions ou bien ma famille m'aidait à les prendre, mais ensuite il y eut un moment où le maître a commencé à prendre ces décisions. J'ai commencé à sombrer dans un état de folie obsessionnelle [mania] (comme le psychiatre l'appelle) et je me sentais comme atteint par un état d'illumination. J'ai démissionné de cinq ou six emplois, dans cette phase de folie, pensant que j'étais le meilleur et que les gens qui étaient avec moi avaient une connaissance limitée ou une vision limitée. Il n'y a pas de doute, j'ai commencé à chercher de plus en plus un sujet de recherche et j'ai atteint un certain niveau de réussite, mais la folie obsessionnelle [mania] et la dépression m'ont conduit par moments à la réussite comme à d'autres moments à de grandes échecs. Certains psychiatres m'ont dit que j'étais dans un état de trouble bipolaire de l'humeur, d'autres pensaient que, depuis que j'avais senti l'effet de l'hallucination, c'était comme de la schizophrénie, d'autres regardant mon évolution dans mon environnement ont déclaré que c'était un trouble de la personnalité borderline. Mais quand je regarde en arrière je me doute que c'était l'impact de l'hypnose. Quoi qu'il en soit, je ne veux blâmer personne, mon esprit appartenait à quelqu'un d'autre.
Maintenant, quand je regarde en arrière je me demande pourquoi Dieu serait si faible qu'il aurait besoin d'un messager pour parvenir à son peuple ? Est-ce que Dieu veut que nous restions loin de notre famille, que nous pratiquions la méditation et laissions derrière nous les belles créations de la vie. Lorsqu'il faut choisir entre la famille et le maître, de nombreuses personnes choisissent le maître car elles ont été conditionnées pour ça. J'ai étudié de nombreux cultes / sectes / religions et j'ai constaté que presque tous les cultes ont un motif caché de contrôle mental. Certains le font avec leurs prédications, certains le font avec des choses comme la méditation (ou ce que j'appelle l'hypnose).

Le texte original paru le 27 mai 2009 sur son blog
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Worshiping False Gods.... Can there be so many Gods ?
A recent incident about one of the sects in India made me think that, Can there be so many Gods? Leader of each sect claims that he is the one who will ensure the soul meets the source. I thought of my experience of joining a religious sect and thought what happened to me.
A friend of mine took me to one of the local preacher of the Group and he introduced me to meditation. I was already in an emotional turmoil and was very prone to the suggestions of this preacher. He introduced me to the so called transmission from the main preacher of the sect and mentioned that he is the Master and we all humans are his Slaves. He introduced me to a prayer as well which was having a similar meaning. There were so many suggestions by this local preacher that I went in the flow of those suggestions and started experience similar auto suggestions as well. But today when I look back, I feel as if I was victim of hypnosis. I joined this sect, left it, rejoined it again and left it and then rejoined once again. And in all these years I faced a lot of downfall in my career. From a star performer I became the least performer who failed in each of his job. I started feeling that I am enlightened soul who has come to this earth with a purpose. I started on a mission to change the world rather than trying to change myself.
When I look back I feel that I was made emotionally weak and weak. I went into a deep depression and at times and mania at others. I started experiencing the hallucination and started feeling smell while meditation, at times visualizing flowers, light, darkness and so on. But when I look back I feel that the first few sessions were of hypnosis. Then the self sessions were of auto suggestion which began with a prayer which lead to further auto suggestions. Then there were group sessions which were infect done to create Group Effect so that we all believe what we are doing. In the name of obedience to the so called Master, I started destroying my life .I became weak and weak and was not able to make a decision about myself. At times I used to feel in the so called individual sittings that the master is guiding me to a path. But was it the suggestions made to my mind in those hypnotic sessions or the suggestions made my the local preacher in my head.
There was a time when I used to take my own decisions or my family helped me to take it but then there was a time the master started taking those decisions. I started going into state of mania (as the psychiatrist call it) and felt as if I am reaching a state of enlightenment. I resigned over five -six jobs in that mania phase thinking that I the best and the people who are with me have limited knowledge or have a limited vision. No doubt I started more and more research in a topic of my research and reached a level of success but the mania and depression lead me to be successful at times and lead to great downfall at times. Some psychiatrist told me that I went into state of Bipolar Mood disorder, others opined that since I felt the hallucination effect , it as schizophrenia, others looking at my environmental evolution said its Borderline Personality Disorder. But when I look back I have my doubts that it was impact of hypnosis. Anyways I don't want to blame anyone else, when my mind surrendered to someone else.
Now when I look back I question myself that Is God too weak that he needs a messenger to reach to its people ? Does God wants that we stay away from the family and practice meditation and leave behind the beautiful creations of life. When its choosing between family and master many people choose the master for they were conditioned for the same. I studied many cults / sects / religions and realized that almost all cults are propagating with a hidden motive of mind control. Some do it with their preaching, some do it with things like meditation (or I call it hypnosis).
Any ways many Indians do get influenced by speeches of political leaders during elections then what stops them to get influenced by a weekly sermons. These cults actually brainwash individuals and get them to do things for their limited means. Some do it to spread terrorism and others in name of peace fill their coffers with donations. It is very difficult for an individual to move away from many of these cults once they flow into those suggestions and they are brainwashed. I studied many cults / sects / religions and realized that almost all cults are propagating with a hidden motive of mind control. Some do it with their preaching, some do it with things like meditation (or I call it hypnosis). There are others who know that millions want to stay healthy and they start exploiting them on things like pranayam. I discussed with many thought leaders and they were unanimous in their view that not only these religious gurus but everyone in the world is exploiting the emotional insecurity of the other. And if an individual is emotionally secure then he will never visit these gurus. The past sayings are not without any meaning. Remember, “Dhukh mae simiran sab kare sukh mae karne na koi”. So when a person is emotionally secure he does not need to find solace in these Gods and Goddess but when he is emotionally weak he looks out to those auto suggestions. Even the astrologers do the same and they are most visited when anyone is in distress. Infect in many countries including India intelligence agencies are using this religious gurus and horoscopes as a trap for individuals.
And this is how the control is managed and abused.
It was the individuals emotional weaknesses which were exploited by these so called religious leaders. Let us look into the traditional concept of Hinduism. At one time it says that God is One and on other it puts in so many deities before us. Was it the financial exploitation by the pandits in name of God and religion. And then the each religion or cult face a battle for control of property or the heir of the so called spiritual leadership. Why these leaders who are messengers of Good run after control, power and money. If you are God or its messenger why then this fight for earthly desires. All sects and religions have built their own fortresses , properties, ashrams which collect millions in name of charity. There are many cases pending in the various courts against these religious sects over control of property and claim to be heir. We must just look into the judis link in the website supermecourt.nic.in and we can realize the truth.
I tried to look into definitions of the world cult. The psychological definition of the practices within a cult sis an institution which uses coercive persuasion which suppresses the ability of people to reason, think critically, and make choices in their own best interest. Another definition said that "A cult is a group or movement exhibiting a great or excessive devotion or dedication to some person, idea or thing and employing unethically manipulative techniques of persuasion and control (e.g. isolation from former friends and family, debilitation, use of special methods to heighten suggestibility and subservience, powerful group pressures, information management, suspension of individuality or critical judgment, promotion of total dependency on the group and fear of [consequences of] leaving it, etc) designed to advance the goals of the group's leaders to the actual or possible detriment of members, their families, or the community."
Truth, purity and selflessness are the foundation of any religion and do we see anything like that. There are great individuals who do a lot of good and are principled in their life. They attain a status of God and there are individuals who may not have done good attain a status of the demon. But is it correct to see every individual as Black or White. Every individual lives in shades of Grey. But when the history is written individuals who won the battles of past are renounced as all White and others as all Black. Is it not distortion of history. There had been many good individuals who have worked in this world for the good of the fellow human beings like Sh. M.K.Gandhi , Mother Terasa, Bhim Rao Ambedkar . But is it correct to name one as Mahatma, other as God and the third as Messiah of the deprived class. And when we will look down the history say thousand years down the line we will see many of the humans of today recognized as God / Goddess of future. We already see many temples being erected of many thought leaders and actors. Do we realize that future generations will believe them as Gods ?
Each religion talks about enlightenment but can we fight a darkness with other darkness. Many individuals on earth decide to follow themselves and other few needs the spiritual guides. But the fact remains these spiritual leaders are human like you and me. A partial list of various religious groups / cults as is available at from wikipedia
There are many sects which had been in news for mass suicide / terrorism / riots. Is it the message of peace which is foundation of all religions. Anyways I will conclude that when we look for a Master we need to look for a master of own self. And wish that all individuals may realize this bitter truth of life. I could never have realized this truth of life if I had been in state of mania or depression but thanks to my doctor, I could realize the truth in the stable state of mind.

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